I’m Anu (uh-noo) a designer based in Ohlone Territory (Oakland, CA). Currently I'm a design manager at Code for America working to transform the tax filing experience for low-income populations across the US.

In my free time, I’m creating space for Black and Brown designers through outreach and education at Inneract Project.

Born in India, raised in the Midwest, blooming in California. At my core, I’m wildly curious about people. My greatest joys come from working closely with the people I’m serving. Whether that’s in the classroom or in a workshop, I love the human side of design. β€‹

I care about creating more access and equity through design. I believe that we all deserve well-designed experiences, and use optimism as my strategy for designing a more beautiful, inclusive, and thoughtful world.

I love making new friends. Don't be shy, say hello!

Photo by Jor Arcila

Things I enjoy

  • working with youth

  • delightful conversations with strangers

  • sketching around oakland